Between is a collaborative project with five residents from a local assisted living facility and several college students. A 4 x 6.5 ft booth was installed in a college walkway. Inside of which, students were invited to pick up a direct connect phone and converse with one an elderly participant. Open dialogue was encouraged—conversation, connection, curiosity and guidance. A schedule with the name and time of which elderly participant would answer was posted outside the booth. Next to the booth was an audio listening station where students could select from various stories the elders had recorded about their lives. Live-feed video surveillance of the installation was on view at the assisted living facility and in the walkway, allowing both elders and students to monitor activity within the installation. I am interested in various forms of participation: passive (audio recordings), active (telephone) and forced (live-feed surveillance). A dinner was hosted in conclusion where participating residents and students could meet in person discuss the results of the project.